Meadowlark's First Peoples of Montana Education 

Mission Statement

Meadowlark will promote the learning of the distinct and unique heritage of Montana's First Peoples in a culturally responsive manner. All school personnel will have an understanding and awareness of Montana tribes.  They will relate effectively with native and non-native students and parents.  Meadowlark school will work cooperatively with Montana tribes when providing instruction about specific tribes and the Gallatin Valley.  All teachers will reflect the “Essential Understandings Regarding Montana Indians” model throughout lesson plans.



Implementing Indian Education for All Action Plan for Meadowlark Elementary

Meadowlark Elementary is dedicated to bringing its’ students the essential understandings of tribal nations in Montana. 

Indian Education for all Law


Objective 1 - Building Background Knowledge

Meadowlark staff will receive training in regards to Native American Education for All throughout the school year.  


IEFA representatives will provide several professional development days throughout the year.

Professional Development for 2016:

1) Dottie Susag- Dottie is the author of several published essays and the 1998 NCTE publication, Roots and Branches: A Resource of Native American Literature Themes, Lessons, and Bibliographies. She conducts classes and workshops for teachers at conferences and in schools across Montana in Writing Assessment, Technical Writing, and K-12 American Indian Literatures and Resources.

- She has conducted two workshops.  Her focus was on the use of IEFA literature in the classroom. This was open to K-5teachers. 

2) 101 IEFA- Dottie Susag

3) One Traveling Workshops:  These trips focus on history through a American Indian perspective.   







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